Erratic or Sudden Traffic Lane Changes
For the safety of everyone on the road, a semi-truck driver must use his turning signal indicating if he is about to switch lanes. If he chooses to forego his blinker or changes lanes suddenly, vehicles could be crushed or pushed off the road.
Tailgating Another Vehicle
As much as drivers should give semi-trucks plenty of space, the opposite is true, as well. Semi-truck drivers should do their best to give ample space when traveling behind another vehicle. It is a serious safety issue if a semi-truck driver is tailgating another vehicle, as it takes much longer time – and more space is required – for a semi-truck to come to a complete stop.
Drifting into the Shoulder or Adjacent Lane
The shoulder of a road is the space directly next to travel lanes. The shoulders are not meant for travel or parking, but rather for emergencies or if a vehicle has broken down. If a semi-truck driver is drifting into the shoulder, it poses a serious safety threat for vehicles that are waiting for help or fixing their vehicle.
Violating Railroad Crossing Rules
Both semi-trucks and regular sized vehicles should come to a complete stop if signals (i.e. flashing yellow lights or the red and white cross bar) are communicating that a train is approaching. Vehicles should never try to race over the tracks and “beat” the train. Further, it’s wise to slow down – or come to a complete stop – before crossing railroad tracks even if signals are not on. This allows drivers to see if a train is approaching, unexpectedly. Aggressive semi-truck drivers will fail to do either of these things.
Clark, Smith & Sizemore are your highly experienced semi-truck accident attorneys.
If an aggressive semi-truck driver acts irresponsibly and causes a collision with your vehicle, it is vital that you seek justice. We’re here to guide you on this legal journey! Through an investigation and lawsuit, we can seek the highest possible compensation for you so you can recover from any injuries that were sustained. Call our semi-truck accident attorneys today: 478-254-5040