dram shop lawNovember through January are the most common months for a drunk driving accident to occur, as it’s the holiday season. If you’re the victim of a drunk driving accident, it’s possible that the drunk driver was over-served at a nearby establishment. While the drunk driver is and should be held responsible, Georgia’s dram shop law also holds establishments and/or bartenders responsible for this act. Consider the details:

Georgia’s Dram Shop Law

In Georgia and in many other states, the dram shop law gives the victim of a drunk driving accident the opportunity to sue a third party. In many situations, the third party is the restaurant or bartender who over-served the drunk driver. However, certain conditions must be present to successfully sue the third party. For instance:

  • The third party must have willfully served alcohol to someone who was under the lawful drinking age.
  • The third party must have knowingly served alcohol to a person who was obviously intoxicated.
  • The third party must have known the intoxicated person would soon be driving.

If any of these three instances apply to the victim of the drunk driving accident, it’s very possible that you can sue under Georgia’s dram shop law and win.

How Clark & Smith Can Help

When a third party is involved in the drunk driving accident, the legal maze you must navigate can get more difficult. You’re not just suing the drunk driver, you’re suing the establishment or person who over-served him or her. To win and get the compensation you deserve, you need an experienced law team on your side to put together a case against all responsible parties.

The Clark & Smith attorneys have extensive experience representing victims of drunk driving accidents and holding responsible parties accountable to their actions. If you need our legal guidance, don’t hesitate to contact us immediately.