a graphic depicting the spread of COVID19The first quarter of 2020 was consumed with talk about the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. This health threat made it more apparent than ever that good hygiene practices can drastically help people avoid getting sick and contracting this virus.

Clark, Smith & Sizemore are your zealous, medical malpractice attorneys!

As the world continues to focus on the health of billions of people, we want to take a moment to remind you the importance of choosing the right doctor to care for your health. This choice can help you avoid medical malpractice and years of recovery!

Medical Malpractice & Your Chosen Doctor

Is there a way you can know for sure you chose the right doctor to treat your health condition? We suggest asking yourself these questions:

  • Do I feel comfortable with my doctor?
  • Does he have experience treating my condition?
  • Does he explain things in a way that I can understand?

These three questions can guide you in determining if you’ve chosen the right doctor. If you don’t feel comfortable with your doctor, he doesn’t have experience with your condition, and you don’t understand what he says, don’t hesitate to interview other doctors. By choosing the right doctor or specialist, you are more likely to avoid medical malpractice.

What You Can Expect from Your Doctor

You can set high expectations for your doctor… after all, you are the patient who needs treatment. Always be attentive when you are with him. Good hygiene should be at the forefront of his actions. For example:

  • Keeping a clean workspace
  • Using hand sanitizer
  • Washing hands often
  • Wearing gloves

The Clark, Smith & Sizemore attorneys have handled numerous medical malpractice cases. Because of negligent actions from the doctor, a patient was injured. If this happens to you, you can trust us to pursue justice and compensation for your situation. Don’t hesitate to call us: 478-254-5040.