motorcycle accidentsUnfortunately, motorcycle accidents happen every day, and if severe, the chance of fatality is high. If you’re a motorcyclist, consider the following three steps to stay safe on the road and arrive alive at your destination.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact a Clark & Smith attorney today!

Stay Visible

Over half of motorcycle fatalities occur at night. It’s important to do everything in your power to stay visible (proper lights, reflector vests, etc.). Don’t assume that the car you’re intending to pass sees you approaching. If possible, keep a lane between you and the other car when you choose to pass.

Develop Good Motorcycle Driving Skills

Riding a motorcycle is not a natural talent; it must be learned. Choose a mentor carefully, attend classes on motorcycle safety, and research how to stay safe on your bike. As a beginner, start riding when there’s daylight and when traffic is light. Choose a route that is less congested and travel in daylight to increase your chance of arriving safely at your destination.

Follow Traffic Laws

Weaving in and out of traffic is one of the main causes of motorcycle accidents. Be sure to change lanes properly and signal correctly. Give other vehicles on the road time to see you and your indicator light so they can take the appropriate measures to give you safe space. Excessive speed is another major cause of accidents. Many riders lose control of their bike if they drive too fast.

If you are involved in a motorcycle crash, find safety immediately. Many times riders are flung from their bike and wind up in traffic. If you’re able to, move quickly to an area away from oncoming traffic. Call the police immediately and stay at the scene of the accident.

How Clark & Smith Can Help

After you’ve spoken to the police, call the Clark & Smith attorneys for legal help. If your accident ends up in court, we can fight for you and help you receive the best possible settlement.

Call us at 478-254-5040.