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What is a bad faith claim?
When a person chooses an insurance company for their needs, they typically expect the insurance company to act out of good faith. Acting out of good faith simply means keeping true to their word, helping the insured client to the best of their ability, and delivering on their promises.
However, if an insurance company does not help the insured client, the client can pursue the insurance company with a bad faith claim.
At Clark & Smith, we represent clients in cases involving denied insurance claims and bad faith insurance claims, including:
- Automobile insurance claims
- Life insurance claims
- Private disability insurance claims
- Property damage claims
Why is filing a bad faith claim important?
Our justice system is here to keep people and organizations accountable. When an insurance company doesn’t hold true to its word, injustice occurs. We are here to battle for you and help you receive the money you deserve.
If the situation is extremely negative and the court votes in favor of the plaintiff (the insured client), the defendant (insurance company) may have to pay an even larger amount than the initial payment.
How can an attorney help?
Insurance companies are not known to readily back down on their decisions. Many times, an attorney must get involved to ensure that our clients are taken care of. We promise to fight for you, support you, and help you get exactly what you need.
Contact us today for a free consultation about a denied claim or insurance coverage dispute.