In an ideal world, your insurance company will reimburse you or pay for procedures that are covered in your policy without forcing you to jump through hoops. Frustratingly, insurance companies seem to have rules of their own that don’t have your best interest in mind. If you’re having insurance claim issues, consider the following tips:
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MACON, January 7, 2018 – We’re pleased to announce that Chris Clark, Rick Sizemore, and Mike Smith of Clark & Smith Law Firm have been selected as Georgia Super Lawyers honorees for 2019. Chris Clark was named a Top 100 Georgia Super Lawyer for the second year in a row. All three attorneys specialize in…
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November through January are the most common months for a drunk driving accident to occur, as it’s the holiday season. If you’re the victim of a drunk driving accident, it’s possible that the drunk driver was over-served at a nearby establishment. While the drunk driver is and should be held responsible, Georgia’s dram shop law also holds establishments and/or bartenders responsible for this act. Consider the details:
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The holiday season has arrived! There are a few more turkeys at the grocery store and about a thousand more people perusing the store fronts hoping to find a Christmas treasure. With so many people on the roads, it’s important to remember the rules of Georgia’s latest hands-free driving law. Discover the details:
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Did you know that most office fires occur between 7pm and 7am? To prevent fires in the workplace and in the home, consider these simple tips:
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As people age, they may require special help to continue living a full life. Fortunately, Georgia has incredible nursing homes for elderly people. Consider the following ways you can be confident that you chose the right one:
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Hydroplaning is scary enough without adding a construction zone to the mix. So, what should you do if it’s raining and you’re entering a construction zone? Consider the following tips:
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Because of this, the DOT and construction companies must take appropriate actions to keep drivers safe. Consider the following issues that fall within the DOT’s responsibility:
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Did you know that the workers and their companies have very strict guidelines they must follow to avoid construction zone accidents from occurring? The following are elements of a construction zone that fall within the DOT and construction companies’ responsibility.
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Consider the following roadway conditions that the DOT, city, and county are responsible for and must be held accountable.
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