Call Clark & Smith today at 877-251-5040 for your legal needs.
Thousands of people sign contracts every single day such as leases, home ownership, career jobs, and more, with much thought being put into it. Maybe you researched the words of each document or asked your lawyer to look over it before you wrote your “John Hancock.”
Other contracts aren’t quite written in stone but, rather, rules that you learned through everyday life. For example, when you got into your car this morning to drive to work, you didn’t sign a contract promising that you would be a safe driver, not text and drive, and make a complete stop at all stop signs. You signed your name when you received your driver’s license at 16-years-old but do you daily sign a contract promising to be a safe driver? However, if you break traffic laws, you’ll face consequences.
Whether it is with business litigation, breach of contract, breaking traffic laws, or any other legal need, the attorneys at Clark & Smith can help.
Business Litigation Attorneys
Business litigation attorneys focus on any business issues including contracts, disputes, liabilities, and more. Our attorneys can help write contracts, guide you in legal proceedings if contracts are broken, settle business disputes, and much more.
Breach of Contract Attorneys
Breach of contract occurs when either party does not fulfill their part of the contract. The opposite party can take it to court and request legal consequences or expectations so the contract is fulfilled. Contact us as soon as a contract is broken, so we can help you take immediate legal action. Because you and the opposite party signed the contract, there are legal consequences if it’s broken.
We are your business litigation and breach of contract attorneys. Contact us today for any legal needs you have!