Slow-moving vehicles traveling in the left lane are not only a nuisance but a threat to road safety. If that slow-moving vehicle is an 80,000-pound semi-truck, the driver is breaking Georgia law. Allow us to explain why a semi-truck traveling in the left lane is dangerous and what Georgia law has to say about it:

Semi-Trucks in the Left Lane.
Semi-trucks in the left lane pose a threat to other drivers on the road. The truck may take much longer to accelerate up to the speed of traffic and take much longer to brake. When a semi-truck is essentially blocking the flow of traffic by traveling in the left lane, approaching vehicles may change lanes in order to pass the truck. This is a problem on many levels:
First, it is unlawful in Georgia to pass another vehicle on the right. This is due to it being easier to see an approaching vehicle on the left-hand side.
Second, this forces unnecessary lane changes for vehicles that are likely traveling faster than the flow of traffic. More vehicles changing lanes on the road increase the likelihood of accidents.
Third, if the semi-truck breaks down or the driver needs to make an emergency stop, he will likely have to use the emergency shoulder in the left lane instead of right. This poses a safety threat to speeding vehicles in the left lane and the semi-truck driver himself.
Georgia Law
Georgia law is very straightforward about which lanes semi-trucks should use while traveling in Georgia. According to Georgia law (O.C.G.A. 40-6-52):
A “truck” is defined as any vehicle equipped with more than six wheels except buses and motorcoaches.
On roads, streets, or highways with three or more lanes allowing for movement in the same direction, it shall be unlawful for any truck to operate in any lanes other than the two most right-hand lanes, except when the truck is preparing for a left turn.
On roads, streets, or highways with two lanes allowing for movement in the same direction, it shall be unlawful for any truck to operate in the left-hand lane, except when the truck is actually overtaking and passing another vehicle or preparing for a left turn.
Clark, Smith & Sizemore are highly experienced semi-truck accident attorneys.
An accident with a semi-truck can alter your life in a moment. Our semi-truck accident attorneys will zealously investigate your case and fiercely represent you in court. Do not wait long after your semi-truck accident to partner with an attorney, as you only have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. Call us today: 478-254-5040.