In an ideal world, your insurance company will reimburse you or pay for procedures that are covered in your policy without forcing you to jump through hoops. Frustratingly, insurance companies seem to have rules of their own that don’t have your best interest in mind. If you’re having insurance claim issues, consider the following tips:

Know What Your Claim is Worth

It’s not uncommon for an insurance company to offer inadequate funds so they can settle the claim. If you don’t know how much your claim is worth, it’s likely you will accept their first offer. Before signing or agreeing to anything, talk to an experienced insurance lawyer. The Clark & Smith lawyers can help you determine how much money you should receive.

Keep Records of All Conversations

It’s likely that you’ll have many claim-related conversations with your insurance company. If possible, communicate with them via email so you have records showing their promises or lack thereof. These conversations can be useful in court as you pursue adequate funds.

Save Anything Related to the Claim

In addition to keeping records of conversations, save anything claim-related such as medical receipts, pictures taken of the incident, phone numbers of witnesses, and the like. Over time, items may get lost or the memory of the event may become a blur. By saving everything that is linked to the claim, our insurance attorneys can help you get reimbursement.

Team with the Clark & Smith Attorneys

Insurance companies have lawyers standing by if a client starts a lawsuit against them. They want to shut down the lawsuit as quickly as it started. That’s why it’s important to have the law on your side, as well! Team with our insurance attorneys today to increase your likelihood of winning the lawsuit.

Contact us today about your insurance claim issues.