When it’s time to choose a nursing home for your parents, you undoubtedly want the best staff caring for mom and dad! Unfortunately, nursing home abuse happens more often than reported. It’s imperative that you watch for any signs of abuse and act quickly. Consider the following signs of nursing home abuse:
Noticeable Physical, Mental, & Emotional Changes
After your parent has spent time in their new nursing home residence, it’s important to be watchful for any emotional or physical changes. Certain examples include isolation, lack of communication, withdrawing from others, weight loss, loss of appetite, and bruising. Determining what is at the root of these negative changes is imperative for your parent’s health.
Inadequate or Unknowledgeable Staff
If your parent’s nursing home does not have enough team members to care for all residents, it’s only a matter of time before seniors will be neglected. Inadequacy also refers to how well they communicate to you and your parent. If you ask questions and they respond with inadequate answers or if they deflect your question altogether, that’s a sign that proper care is not being given.
Voiced or Expressed Concern
When your parent voices their concern about one or several team members, it’s imperative to listen. If your parent can’t express their concerns with words, they may give away their feelings through actions or facial expressions.
Lack of Care for Environment & Seniors
When you walk into your parent’s room, does it look clean and fresh? When you see your parent, does she look tidy and neat? The quality of your parent’s care can be seen throughout the entire facility. When you visit, keep a watchful eye for cleanliness and orderliness.
What to Do if You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse
First and foremost, it’s important to remove your parent from the situation. The emotional, mental, and physical health of mom and dad must be prioritized. Then, we encourage you to call a Clark, Smith & Sizemore attorney. We can investigate the nursing home’s records, interview staff, and put together a case to ensure your parent’s neglect will never happen again. Contact us today: 478-254-5040.