What is a product liability lawsuit?
A product liability lawsuit occurs when a product does not meet the ordinary expectations of the consumer. If an injury occurs due to the defective product, the responsible party must be held accountable. Companies are often taken to court based on strict liability, breach of warranty, or negligence.
Are there different types of defects?
Yes, there are three main types of defects – design, manufacturing, and marketing. A design defect occurs when the design itself is faulty. A manufacturing defect transpires during the assembly line process. And, a marketing defect happens if an injury occurs due to improper labels, inaccurate instructions, or erroneous warnings.
Will I receive compensation?
There are several areas in which you may be entitled to compensation. If your injuries resulted in medical care, the company may be ordered to pay your medical bills. If you have endured pain and distress, you may be compensated for your emotional suffering. Another factor that judges take into consideration is lost wages – not only what you have lost thus far, but also potential future losses due to your inability to work.
Why do I need a personal injury lawyer?
Many product liability cases are complex, requiring field experts to investigate the product’s defective nature. Not only will the investigator discover why the product defected, but also when, how, and where. The Clark & Smith personal injury lawyers have extensive experts in various fields to help investigate defective products.
If you’ve been injured due to a defective product, contact our personal injury lawyers today.