New and experienced drivers can easily get overwhelmed on the highway with hundreds of speeding drivers on the road. It’s important to take appropriate measures to stay safe while driving on the highway. Consider these tips from your car accident lawyer:
Stay in the Proper Lane
It is common knowledge that the left lane is for drivers who are going faster than other vehicles and the right lane is for drivers who are going slower than other vehicles. If you’re caught impeding traffic in the left lane or driving too fast in the right lane, you could be issued a ticket. It’s best to stay in the lane that you’re most comfortable in and drive the speed limit.
Use Your Blinkers
Warmly referred to as the first instant message, using your blinkers is a law that is often disregarded by drivers. However, this important message lets other drivers know your intentions and give you space to move your vehicle. A general rule of thumb is to keep your blinker on for at least 10 seconds before switching lanes.
Eliminate Distracted Driving
From cell phones to boisterous friends, distracted driving takes many shapes and sizes. If you’re having trouble concentrating on the road, do your best to remove your distractions. Beyond distracted driving, did you know that inattentiveness is a leading cause of car accidents in the U.S.? If you catch yourself daydreaming or “zoning out”, pull over or take a break from driving so you can recharge.
How Your Car Accident Lawyer Can Help
You could be the safest driver on the highway and still get into a car accident due to someone else’s aggressive driving or negligence! An accident that takes place on the highway often results in serious injuries. If you’ve been injured on the road, allow your car accident attorney to help. Call us today: 478-254-5040.